Axis Suture / Abigail Straus
Constantly rummaging through an endlessly cluttered and bottomless bag.
Visual explorer and creator. Inspired by minutiae and grandeur, the holy and the mundane.
{a constant work in progress}
I was raised in New York City, and have lived the last 12 years of my life in Vermont. This environmental shift has been a primary source from which my recent work has bloomed, but the work is not bound to either or any place, specifically.

2007 - 2011
Brooklyn Friends School
2011 - 2012
Vassar College
2013 - 2018
Landmark College
Associates Degree in Creative Writing
Bachelor's Degree in Studio Art with a Concentration in Time-Based Media
Scholastic Golden Key Writing Award
Group Exhibitions
Conception Art, SoHo
Midnight Snack , Landmark College Fine Art Gallery